The Process

Confidence from Day One

It’s been said that “the best surprise is no surprise.” That’s why we endeavour to minimise and eliminate the unexpected right from the beginning.

First we submit a detailed design solution based around the singular needs of your business.

And with that solution we present detailed costings and a lump sum price we commit to. So after an agreement is struck, you can be certain of what you will get – and just as sure about financial terms.

‘But what if…'

Yes, we know that even the best laid plans can be subject to change. Unforeseen opportunities, for example, may arise and changes may be needed in order to capitalise on them.

In these cases you’ll find us to be flexible, reasonable and professional. Your satisfaction is priority one with us – a priority that, at the end of the day, just makes good business sense. After all, satisfied clients tend to be repeat clients – and no-one knows that better than us.


Q & A: The Key to Smart Design

Our clients will tell you that your first meeting with CMW will be more about you and less about us. Our goal will be to find out as much as possible about your needs and expectations – and we do that through a dialogue where all questions (yours and ours) are tabled and discussed.

Why? Because a clear understanding of your needs, when coupled with the know how to meet those needs, is the most important element of smarter, more functional design.

And that, in turn, leads to a smarter, more functional building.

A building, for example, that can be built in less time, with fewer complications and for less expense.

A building that will truly suit the needs of your business – with real operating functionality and efficiency. One that gives you flexibility and adaptability in the event that business conditions change.

A building you can have confidence in – even well before it’s built.


Small Details, Big Commitment

Let’s take a minute to consider the little things.

Little mistakes can lead to big problems.

But doing the little things right – especially when it becomes habit – invariably brings big benefits in the long run.

It might be something as seemingly insignificant as keeping your job site neat and orderly. Or watering the site to keep dust to a minimum.

Our clients can tell you that we operate with these things in mind. To us, quality control means paying attention to the seemingly insignificant details. In fact, the phrase ‘millimetre perfect’ has been rightly applied to our site management.

It’s all part of building and maintaining an ethos and a code of practice geared to produce excellence.

For us – and for you – that’s the biggest commitment of all.


Hands on the Project, Feet on the Ground

There’s no substitute for hands on, personal involvement – on the ground and on-site. We sometimes refer to it as “kicking the dirt” - but it’s much, much more.

It’s being dead set certain that things are progressing when they should be and as they should be. Being able to solve problems and devise practical, on-the-spot solutions that work.

Knowing not just what is happening but exactly why. Giving you one continuing point of responsibility – completely accountable and always informed.

Delivering the kind of assurance your project and your investment deserve.


Loyalty, Fair Dealing, Transparency, Respect

Just words?

We believe in treating others as we would want to be treated and that a handshake should be as good as a contract. We know that delivering on those beliefs is backed by sound business reasoning.

Experience tells us, for example that when communications are open and honest, problems are solved with more speed and effectiveness, and opportunities are identified sooner and optimised more fully.

Loyalty is important to us as well. And not just from our clients. Our dealings with subcontractors, for example, recognise that loyalty is indeed a two-way street. In practical, day-to-day terms, that means that doing the right thing by suppliers is the best way to get the right results.

More specifically, we pay fair prices and pay promptly. In return we get the services of the very best tradesman and craftsmen in the business.

It’s a time-tested formula based on common sense – but one that produces results of uncommon excellence for our clients.